Studies to apply Initiatic Science: 

Real Peacework Akademie - Peace School Linz

Institut for individual Peace work & Future Design

=> Education for a basic understanding & working for peace & harmony in the world!

(In Cooperation with the Institute for Municipal sciences, Linz )


Our World in a Global Change:

The transition from a material reality into an spiritual one

   A reinterpretation of the historical events & the current affairs


Here:  The 2nd World War


God sends us initiates, sages and great masters to enlighten us and help us understand the existence of laws which must be obeyed. And because we have a tendency not to understand, God sends beings who stir our feelings by their suffering and sacrifice on our behalf. The first are sent to appeal to our intellect and the second to touch our hearts. If, despite this, we fail to understand these lessons, He has no alternative but to resort to force, so He sends us violent thugs, tyrants and butchers who oppress and persecute us.

Yes, all the terrible events in the world at this moment are a direct consequence of the fact that human beings have not wanted to understand the teaching of wisdom and love.


Hitler – the 20th Century’s most powerful destructive Black Magician


It is no secret that the Nazi Party had strong links with the world of the occult. But it is perhaps less well known that the very roots of this monstrously evil organization were embedded in the rank soil of Black Magic. And conventional biographies of Adolf Hitler have certainly played down or glossed over his early – and continuing – deep involvement with occult study and the Powers of Darkness themselves.

Gerald Suster, in this compelling readable and terrifying new study of Hitler’s career, makes an overwhelmingly convincing case for a radically different interpretation of the Führer’s literally hypnotic control over his people and of his horrifically apocalyptic actions. Many aspects of the Hitler enigma become much clearer in the light of the author’s bold theory:

That Adolf Hitler was a conscious agent of demonic powers who aided and possessed him in the working out of his monstrous destiny – the overthrow of the old world order and the ushering in of a new Dark Age of global destruction and cosmic horror:


« Hitler & The Age of Horus » (Gerald Suster)


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